'Cancel Culture' discussion Wednesday afternoon will wind up Free Speech Week programs at UW-Stout – Chippewa Valley Post
A Wednesday afternoon discussion of the pros and cons of the “Cancel Culture” movement will wind up this year’s Free Speech Week programming hosted by University of Wisconsin- Stout’s Menard Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation (MCSII). The online program, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., will feature New York City author J.C. Hallman and James “Duke” Pesta, professor of English at UW Oshkosh. Invitations to the event, on the Microsoft Teams platform, are available from MCSII Director Tim Shiell, who will host the discussion. Cancel culture is the practice of withdrawing support for companies and removing public statues if they are connected to something considered objectionable or offensive. To read more, please click on the headline.
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