JONAH’s hybrid public meeting Monday night aims to increase interest and participation – Chippewa Valley Post
JONAH, the Chippewa Valley nonprofit that focuses on social justice issues and their root causes, is looking for expanded public input and involvement at a hybrid meeting scheduled for 6 to 7:30 p.m. this coming Monday (June 27). JONAH members, partners or potential partners and the general public are all invited to attend, according to a JONAH press release. The agenda will include updates from JONAH’s seven task forces, stories of lived experiences in regard to mental health and child poverty and time for comments and questions from attendees. The in-person meeting will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1314 E. Lexington Blvd. in Eau Claire. For more information, including a link for online access to the meeting, please click on the headline.
Andrew Janssen