There's a new sheriff in town... – Chippewa Valley Post
By Sandra McKinney, CVPost Board member . . .or at least there will be following the Nov. 8 election for both Eau Claire and Chippewa counties. Candidates for sheriff in both counties answered previously prepared questions at a Monday night candidate forum at the Community Table, organized by EXPO and JONAH. The candidates for Eau Claire County sheriff on the Nov. 8 ballot are Republican Don Henning and Democrat Dave Riewestahl. In Chippewa County, the Republican candidate is Travis Hakes and his Democratic opponent is Chris Kowalczyk. One topic discussed at the forum concerned a newly implemented Eau Claire County procedure allowing eligible prisoners in the county jail to vote. Chippewa County does not have a similar provision but is expected to follow Eau Clairre Countys lead. To read more, please click on the headline.
Andrew Janssen