Videos show Kenosha militia member's claim that police planned to herd protesters toward them ‘and then run’ – Chippewa Valley Post
By Dee J. Hall, Wisconsin Watch A militia member patrolling the streets of Kenosha on Aug. 25 claimed that police told him they planned to herd demonstrators toward the armed men — and then leave. In a widely shared video from that evening when two people were killed, Ryan Balch, who said he served a “tactical advisement role” among the armed citizens, is seen telling protesters: “Do you know what the cops told us today? They were like, ‘We’re gonna push them down by you, because you can deal with them, and then we’re going to leave.’” It is unclear to what extent such a plan was carried out, and Balch insisted in a lengthy Facebook post the next day that the militia members “never agreed to this.” But by 11:45 p.m., two protesters were shot to death by an Illinois teenager. To read more, click on the headline.
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